SanjSCOPE™ NanoTherm-Series
For Top-Side Thermal Imaging
The SanjSCOPE™ NT-Series System is shown with optional gantry probe station, AFP- 200 Calibration Tool, and Vibration Isolation Table.
The SanjSCOPE™ Nanosecond Transient Thermal Imager for topside thermal imaging is a lock-in thermoreflectance-based (TR) system optimized in the visible band with diffraction-limited spatial resolution. The system spectral range is 365 nm to 1050 nm with a 50 ns transient response. The wide spectral range supports TR-based imaging for the thermal analysis of a wide range of advanced devices. The NUV coverage is especially important for the thermal analysis of GaN and other wide band-gap devices. With submicron spatial resolution, 50 ns transient resolution, and support for TransientCAL™ and HyperSpectral calibration, the NT-Series System will meet the thermal imaging requirements of the most advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices. An optional IR sensor is available to enable macro- analysis for the detection of very low power levels with the ability to zero in on a micro-scale for a more detailed analysis of detected hotspots or other thermal anomalies. The NT-Series System is available in a baseline system configuration suitable for integrating with your own probe or thermal stage and available as a factory-configured turnkey system complete with a probe station and an auto-focus and positioning piezo x-y-z thermal stage for greater thermal resolution.
For Back-Side Thermal Imaging
The SanjSCOPE™ Thermal Imaging System for back-side analysis incorporates an InGaAs sensor to cover the NIR band.
This NANOSECOND TRANSIENT THERMAL IMAGER is optimized for thermal imaging in the NIR range and has a 50 ns transient resolution. Since silicon is virtually transparent to wavelengths greater than approximately 1000 nm, this spectral range is ideally suited for back-side thermoreflectance-based thermal imaging of flip-chip mounted devices, CMOS, and other more complex 3-dimensional semiconductor structures.
Transient Resolution: 12.5 ns Delay, 50 ns Pulse Duration (FWHM)
Sensors: CMOS
Spectral Range: (NUV) 365 nm to 1050 nm (NIR)
Active Thermal Pixels: 2048 x 2048 (4 MP)
Pixel Resolution: 55 nm per pixel at 100x
Spatial Resolution: Diffraction limited: 389 nm (LED=405 nm, 100x, NA=0.52) <300 nm (LED=365 nm) with optional NUV Enhancement Upgrade
NETD (Typical with 5 min avg): 250 mK Typical
Software: SanjCONTROLLER™ with embedded SW: SanjVIEW™ v6.0
Illumination Sources: SanjSOURCETM Model LS-300-4: 365 nm, 470 nm, 530 nm, 780 nm
Microscope Objectives: 5x, 20x, 100x