Introducing Microsanj EZ-THERM Series

The Microsanj EZ-THERM™ SERIES THERMAL IMAGER is a flexible thermal Imaging solution designed for general-purpose lab thermal and failure analysis applications. The EZ-THERM system supports both THERMOREFLECTANCE-BASED (TR) and INFRARED-BASED (IR) thermal imaging. The system is modular and can be connected to an industrial microscope and probe station. The compact benchtop controller simultaneously supports up to three sensors to address multiple thermal imaging applications. The system supports a spatial resolution of 4 microns per pixel with IR and 59 nanometers per pixel with a multi-megapixel TR sensor in the visible band. Transient resolution is 50 microseconds, and the platform includes the field-proven SanjVIEW software for system management, data acquisition, and data analysis. 

A wide range of available sensors with the ability to connect to a customer’s existing semiconductor test equipment puts the EZ-THERM -series in a class of its own. The Microsanj engineering team has created a highly integrated platform that is compact, flexible, and user-friendly to enable thermal measurements as easy as measuring voltage or current.
